Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just another Monday Mornin'...

... even though it's a Tuesday afternoon....
... or a Thursday night...
... or 4 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Everyone of us has our own vision of Paradise. Mine was Florida.

Specifically, Central Florida, somewhere within an hour's driving distance of Walt Disney World.

I lived in this region a quarter century ago, during what was, at the time, one of the greatest triumphs of my life, and  it's always held a special magic for me. So when an opportunity was presented to me late last year to uproot myself from the Pacific Northwest, I hesitated, hemmed, hawed, and then said yes.

So here I am, setting sail on an adventure in Paradise... except a lot has changed in 25 years... most of all myself.

Let's just say Paradise and I...,well, we're just not quite on speaking terms at the moment.

But I hope that will change. I really do. Because for me, the grass isn't greener over some other fence - at least not any that I can see over these days.

My best tool in my adventures here is going to be a sense of humor - or at least a sense of perspective, which can quite often be misinterpreted as the same thing. So here's where I'll post my observations. Yep, it's a classic fish-out-of water tale. Things work differently down here. Things move differently down here (especially the drivers - MOST especially the drivers... but we'll discuss them on another day). Time for some field notes on those differences... or maybe cliff notes...

So for now, sit back, pull out a Jimmy Buffett CD, crack open a Corona, a Mike's or your own favorite boat drink, and enjoy the show.